Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Free Marketing Online 101

I have learned that advertising has changed in the past 10 years, 3 years & 1 minute!
It's a whole new ball game out there. It's not about advertising in your local newspaper or join your local Chamber of commerce. Although these outlets do get your name out. It is nothing compared to the free advertising that is available online!

Marketing Online 101
I want to explain to you what just 10 min. per day or night can do for you and your business.
Even if you don't have a business, these steps will help you have a larger online presence.

There are hundreds if not thousands of networking sites that are available for free.
Below are my top 10 networking sites that has pushed me to the top of all search engines.

When visiting each site simply sign up and or register your business infomation.
Mostly all of the networking site are free but there are of course upgrades that you can do with your accounts to push you to the top of most search engines quicker. But that does not mean it is better.

Key words are the goal with every site you go to. Try to keep it consistant with all of your networking sites.
Start off with your web site and domain name.
What ever you are selling make sure that those key words are always the same.

Take your time and have fun with this.
Once you have a new network up and going, share it with your customers, family & friends via email or Facebook..

Just start with these and you will be doing better than the averge Joe!
Stay with it and Good-Luck!

1) Linkedin

2) EzineArticles

3) tumblr

4) Craig's List

5) Twitter

6) Fubar

7) Facebook

8) Myspace

9) Bebo

10) Frindster

Simply type these names into Googles search box to find the immediate link in!

Express yourself, share your interests, connect with friends, make new friends and much more when you join the social networking phenomenon.

Most social networking websites also offer additional features. In addition to blogs and forums, members can express themselves by designing their profile page to reflect their personality. The most popular extra features include music and video sections. Members can read bios of their favorite music artists from the artist's profile page as well as listen to their favorite songs and watch music videos. The video section can include everything from member-generated videos from hundreds of subjects to TV clips and movie trailers.

Thank you,
Doug Rohloff

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